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Cleaning Products

Your Local Cleaning and Laundry Service in Montrose

Montrose Cleaning & Laundry offer washing, drying, ironing, and also dry cleaning service. We offer cleaning services for both commercial and domestic properties in addition to a delivery service. We are a family-run business serving customers in Montrose, Angus, and South Aberdeenshire. To find out more please contact us for more information, we are a friendly team and will be more than happy to answer any queries you may have.

Home: Welcome

A Bit About Us

Here at Montrose Cleaning & Laundry Service, we offer a washing, drying, ironing, and dry cleaning service. We also are a cleaning company for both domestic and commercial properties (holiday lets and Airbnbs). We also offer a  delivery service for our customers, ensuring a speedy and reliable delivery. Our family-run business is made up of a professional team and we who ourselves on the quality of our services and will always strive for customer satisfaction.

Home: About
Washing machine
Appliance Service

Cleaning Services

Bespoke cleaning services to suit your needs.

  • Commercial and domestic cleans

  • Holiday lets and Airbnb cleans

  • End of tenancy cleans

  • General housekeeping

  • Free quotes are available

Get in touch for more information.

Laundry Services

Professional laundry services.

  • Washing

  • Drying

  • Ironing

  • Dry cleaning

Get in touch for more information.

Delivery Services

Delivery service.

Please call us for more information regarding our delivery services. We can provide a free quote for you.

Home: Services

For local cleaning and laundry services, contact us today!

We proudly serve our customers in Montrose, Angus and the surrounding areas in South Aberdeenshire.

72 Murray Street, Montrose, DD10 8JY

01674 660835

07878 422823

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Montrose Cleaning and Laundry Services Ltd, registered as a limited company in England and Scotland under company number: SC749365.

Registered Company Address: 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 4JR.

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